for stereo tape • April 1998, 1'00
This piece explores the emotive power of sound in its attempt to evoke a sense of longing through the poignant sighs and sweeping gestures that pervade it. Yet its brevity ensures that it is utterly without consequence, never able to elaborate on its thoughts and thus remaining a trifling anecdote (...hence the dodgy pun...).
YeARN was composed as part of an installation at the International Symposium on Electronic Arts (ISEA), held in Liverpool and Manchester during 1998. 'The theme of ISEA98 in Liverpool is Revolution and in Manchester, the Terror. Amidst Revolution and the Terror there lies HOPE...' Composers were invited to submit electroclips of 1 minute's duration on the subject of HOPE which were to be burned to a limited-edition CD and played in 'random' mode throughout the conference.