a proposed 280 channel work
• 2020
CLUSTER is a multichannel sound sculpture comprising a cuboid-shaped suspended walk-through array of 280 independent channels. This configuration provides a versatile platform for the precise three-dimensional spatial imaging of sound and is both sonically compelling and visually striking. As a portable system, it aims to presnt sonic art in a new and highly accessible context within public spaces, encouraging and widening public engagement in new media arts.

The alternative title for this work, 'Within', denotes two possible listening perspectives.
- Listening from within: the listener can walk amongst the speakers and investigate 'zones' of activity from a variety of listening positions ('viewpoints')
- Listening to the within (from outside): the cluster is in many respects designed to be perceived as a three dimensional sculpture, experienced from 'outside', from which point a single coherent spatial image should emerge, but one that has physical depth. Movement within this space will be understood differently from different sides of the cuboid (e.g. a movement from point A to point B might be perceived as approaching from one side of the cuboid, but receding from the other); thus no listener will have the same experience of the same spatio-gestural (or spatiomorphological) phenomenon.